British Values
UNICEF Article 14


At Highfield Nursery School we value all of our children and families. We celebrate our rich cultural and religious diversity and promote mutual respect. We are an inclusive setting and our ethos and curriculum enables children to be independent learners-making choices and building strong relationships particularly with their peers. We encourage this by structuring the environment and timetable to enable individual, paired, small and large group activity. We have certain rules that children and adults must follow for example; have kind hands, say kind words and mobile phones only in designated areas. This enables a safe learning environment. All of these form our framework for promoting British values-democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faith and beliefs.

Highfield Nursery School

Highfield Road,
B8 3QU

Contact Information

Executive Head Teacher: Sharon Lewis

Tel: 0121 675 4617

Opening Times: 8.30am - 3.15pm

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