Early childhood provision has been on this site in Saltley, in East Birmingham, since 1879. The Nursery School building was the original infant school. We opened as a local authority Nursery School in 1950.

Photo from Diane Fellows ©

Between 2005-2018, we were designated a children's centre. We provided early learning, family support and adult education and outreach services to 1500 children under the age of 5 and their families in our local community. Building on this heritage we continue to work in an integrated way with partners to provide an early help offer to our families.  

Since 2014 the school has operated from two sites; Highfield Nursery School main site and Highfield Nursery at Dyson Gardens.

Dyson Gardens was originally a purpose built community day nursery that opened in 1985. The Dyson Site offers a large natural, outdoor learning environment with forest school and gardening provision to children. 

In 2018 we federated with other Birmingham Local Authority Maintained Nursery Schools to form The Birmingham Federation of Maintained Nursery Schools:


Allens Croft Nursery School

Jakeman Nursery School

Shenley Fields Nursery School

Lillian De Lissa Nursery School

St Thomas Centre Nursery School

Newtown Nursery School

Adderley Nursery School

Gracelands Nursery School

Highfield Nursery School


Vision Statement

As a Federation of 9 Birmingham Maintained Nursery Schools with individual identities, we work collaboratively to champion and provide responsive early years research-based pedagogy and curriculum, and system leadership across the Early Years sector.

Our innovative and sustainable model supports our diverse, creative learning community, inspired by children’s rights and our ambitions for their future success.

Highfield Nursery School

Highfield Road,
B8 3QU

Contact Information

Executive Head Teacher: Sharon Lewis

Tel: 0121 675 4617
Email: enquiry@hifieldn.bham.sch.uk

Opening Times: 8.30am - 3.15pm

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