Leadership Team
Safeguarding is of the upmost importance to us. If you have any concerns that a child is being harmed or is at risk of harm or if you receive a disclosure you must contact a senior staff member immediately.
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility
Our Federation Safeguarding Governor is Sally Andrews and our Local Cluster Safeguarding Governor and Child Protection Governor is Michelle Howles.
Role |
Safeguarding Role |
Name |
Executive Head Teacher |
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), SPOC, PLAC Lead |
Sharon Lewis
Teaching Assistant |
Deputy DSL |
Natalie |
Teacher |
Deputy DSL |
Rebecca Martin |
Teaching Assistant |
Deputy DSL |
Charlotte Grundy |
Teacher / SENDCO Inclusion Manager School Business Manager Office Manager |
Deputy DSL Deputy DSL Deputy DSL Deputy DSL |
Nazmeen Shaffique Kaukab Farooq Sadia Carter Mirza Alisha Rafiq |
First Aiders
Name | Role | Location |
All Practitioners |
Paediatric First Aid |
Classroom |
Natalie - T/A |
First Aid in the Workplace |
Classroom |
Alisha Rafiq - Office Manager |
First Aid in the Workplace |
Main Reception |
Sadia Carter Mirza - School Business Manager |
Mental Health First Aider |
Main Reception |
Fire Marshals |
Sharon Lewis |
Executive Head Teacher |
Sadia Carter-Mirza |
School Business Manager |